The Faces of Recovery: Real People, Real Journeys

Addiction recovery is possible, and these stories are proof. The Faces of Recovery showcases real people in addiction recovery through the compassionate support and services offered by Seven Counties Services. Each person’s journey is unique, but they all share a common thread: the power of resilience and hope. Through these testimonials, we invite you to meet real individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are embracing a brighter, healthier future.   

A Second Chance at Life: Damon’s Story  

Stand Up for Recovery

Damon speaking at the 2024 Stand Up for Recovery luncheon.

My story of recovery is one of second chances. It’s about taking a leap of faith and giving my all to a process that has worked for so many others.   

For a long time, I felt stuck in a cycle of addiction and self-destructive behavior. I thought I was beyond help, that I was doomed to repeat the same patterns over and over again. But then I hit rock bottom. I lost everything that mattered to me, my relationships, and my sense of self-worth. I was homeless, I was left with nothing but the harsh reality of my own making. At that moment, I knew I had to make a change.  

There’s nothing to lose by seeking help. For me and my life, I had nothing to lose. I showed up at the doorsteps of Seven Counties Services without a change of clothes, and everything that I needed was there. I just let go.  

Since I got help at Seven Counties, I’m free. Today, I’m a father, flourishing in my job at GE, where I’ve been for two and a half years, and a licensed barber, where I get to meet people every day. The sky’s the limit.   

From Lost to Found: Raylette’s Story     

My journey started when I wanted to fit in. I became a mother at 15 and had my first drink at 16. At 26, I was pregnant with my sixth child.

Raylette Carr

Raylette was awarded with the Recover Boldly Award by Seeds of a New Leaf.

The alcohol and drugs were so powerful that I used them while I was pregnant, had a heart attack, and died. Thankfully, the doctors brought me and my child back to life. While I was on life support, I saw a bright light and heard a voice say, “You can open your eyes, I’m not ready for you yet.” God spoke to me, and I am here today by His grace and mercy. Unfortunately, I went back out for more pain, and I lost everything, including my children.   

I went into Seven Counties Services shortly after and spent 30 days learning about my addiction, then applied what I learned. I am forever grateful for November 28th, 2018, being my sobriety date. I live a life today that I never thought was possible. I work at Seven Counties as an Executive Business Professional. I own my house and car, and I’m blessed to share it with my two-year-old granddaughter. My life has continued to get better as I work my program and help others. I will be six years sober this November. Best decision I’ve ever made in my life!

A Future Reclaimed: Morgan’s Story   

Stand up for recovery

Morgan speaking at the 2024 Stand Up for Recovery luncheon.

I was in active addiction for 25 years. What started out as fun with friends turned into a necessity. I turned to any means necessary to maintain control of my addiction. This eventually led to many stints in jail, rehab, and prison.   

Over 10 years ago, I received a sentence of 13 years but diverted for five. By year two, the court system introduced me to Seven Counties Services. I was in services a few times, but I wasn’t willing to admit I had a problem each time and never quite made it. The Judge saw fit to stop enabling me and sentenced me to 13 years. I lost everything when I went away, my daughter, family, home, and what life I thought I had.   

After a year, I was paroled and sent to treatment. One of the teachers in class was a peer who worked for Seven Counties years ago. I thanked him for trying to help me so long ago when I wasn’t ready. Today, I am grateful to Seven Counties for being a second-chance employer. They gave me an opportunity for a fulfilling career and to help others. I am almost seven years sober now and off parole. I have my family back, my life back, and a whole life ahead of me.  

Breaking the Family Cycle: Mercury’s Story 

I thought I was “too far gone” for many years. I came from a long line of addicts and alcoholics, and many of them never found a way out.

Mercury Cougler

Mercury is a Peer Support Specialist helping others on their recovery journey.

After many attempts to get sober and many times going back, my life changed when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter.   

I stayed sober by the grace of God. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl who had nothing in her system. The day I went into labor, my mother passed away. Two months later, my grandmother, who raised me, also passed away. I would love to say I stayed sober, but I did not. I returned to use and overdosed at home alone in front of my two-month-old baby. I decided then I was going to do something different.   

I went to treatment, and I’m blessed to say I’ve been sober since March 25, 2022. I never imagined my life would be the way it is now. I work at Seven Counties Services as the Peer Support for Family Recovery Court, the same program I went through and graduated from. I find so much joy in helping others like myself find the courage to change.  

Addiction Recovery Resources   

Addiction recovery truly is possible. You’re not alone in this journey, and these inspiring stories are proof. At Seven Counties Services, we’ve helped countless individuals find hope, healing, and a new path forward. If you or someone you love is ready to take that first step toward sobriety, we’re here to provide the support and resources you need.   

Reach out to us today, and let us walk alongside you on your recovery journey. For information on scheduling, call (502) 589-1100 or request a first appointment online. Our Preston Street location is also available for walk-ins Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. A healthier, brighter future awaits—start your journey with us. 

From Recovery to Impact  

Many of our Addiction Recovery team members are individuals who have walked this path themselves. They’ve turned their real-life experiences into a way to give back and guide others on their recovery journey. If these stories inspire you and you’re passionate about making a difference, visit our careers site to learn more. Apply today, join our talent community, or reach out with any questions. At Seven Counties Services, it’s not just a career—it’s a purpose and a chance to change lives. 

Schedule Appointment

Seven Counties Services serves everyone regardless of diagnosis or insurance status. We ensure that getting started on your journey to recovery is as easy as possible. To schedule your first appointment, you can call directly or complete an online appointment request.

Helpful Resources

Educating individuals, parents, caregivers, and the community through specialized content provided by industry-leading experts.