The Work Matters Supported Employment Program

The Work Matters Supported Employment Program at Seven Counties Services is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities (developmental, mental health, and/or substance use disorders) by helping them find and maintain satisfying employment within the community. 

The Mission and Approach 

This program establishes connections with businesses to facilitate meaningful employment opportunities for program participants. The program aims to help individuals integrate into the workforce as productive and valued employees. 

Services include discovery and planning based on an individual’s interests and abilities and extend to job placement and ongoing support. Supported Employment Specialists may provide job coaching, resume revision, skill enhancement, and career advancement support. Learn more about supported employment. 

How to Get Involved 

Interested individuals can start by contacting the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (800-372-7172 ) to determine eligibility and discuss their specific service needs. Upon referral, Work Matters collaborates with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide Supported Employment Services. Those supported by Work Matters have achieved long-term employment success, with some maintaining positions for over a decade. 

For more information on how to get started with Seven Counties Services, request an appointment online or call (502) 459-5292. 


Reviewed by Becky Wolf MSW, Vice President of Developmental Services at Seven Counties Services. 

Schedule Appointment

Seven Counties Services serves everyone regardless of diagnosis or insurance status. We ensure that getting started on your journey to recovery is as easy as possible. To schedule your first appointment, you can call directly or complete an online appointment request.

Helpful Resources

Educating individuals, parents, caregivers, and the community through specialized content provided by industry-leading experts.