What is Supported Employment?
Supported employment helps individuals with disabilities enter the workforce and become valued employees. Supported Employment Specialists assist in this process through person-centered employment planning, customized job seeking, and on the job supports.
Benefits of Supported Employment
Supported Employment provides a pathway for individuals with disabilities to use their talents and skills in the local workforce. Participants can earn income that supplements disability benefit payments without a negative impact through planning with a benefits analyst. Additionally, businesses benefit in diversifying their workplace and learning ways to modify tasks for entry level workers.
The Work Matters Program
The Work Matters program at Seven Counties Services provides personalized assistance to serve each person’s needs in cooperation with the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Our Traditional program benefits individuals with developmental disabilities, while the Individualized Placement and Support (IPS) program works with those diagnosed with mental illness and/or substance use disorder. Work Matters staff also team up with Jefferson County Public Schools to give high school students training to prepare for work before they graduate through a program called Pre-Employment Transitional Services, or “PreEts.” Learn more about the Work Matters Supported Employment Program.
How Work Matters Helps – A Summary
- Identifies employer’s unmet needs.
- Finds cost savings by unbundling job descriptions that could be performed by an entry-level employee, which increases performance and efficiency.
- Matches tasks with the job seeker’s specific competencies.
- Provides on-site support and consultative services to employees and employers.
- Delivers ongoing follow-up to address changing business needs.
- Offers the opportunity to hire a significantly under-utilized pool of qualified candidates.
- The program strives to meet the job seeker and employer’s current and ongoing situational needs.
A Note on Waiver Services
Seven Counties Services also offers a variety of waiver services for persons with a variety of disabilities, and who have qualified for a specific Medicaid Waiver program. The waivers provided through our Developmental Disabilities Department include the Michelle P. Waiver, the Supports for Community Living Waiver, Acquired Brain Injury Waiver, Acquired Brain Injury- Long Term Care waive and, most recently, the Home and Community Based Waiver. While we also offer traditional case management support in some of these waivers, we specialize in the Participant Directed Service (PDS) method of service delivery, in which participants guide their own services and hire their own employees. Learn more about waivers and additional services offered.
For more information on how to get started with Seven Counties Services, request an appointment online or call (502) 459-5292.
Reviewed by Becky Wolf MSW, Vice President of Developmental Services at Seven Counties Services.