Inpatient vs. Outpatient Services

At Seven Counties Services, we offer both inpatient and outpatient services. The main difference between these services is if a patient will need to stay overnight at one of our facilities to receive the care they need.   


Inpatient care is provided in a facility where you stay overnight, sometimes for several nights, depending on your health condition and needs. During your stay, our dedicated healthcare professionals will be by your side, providing necessary medicine, care, monitoring, and medical treatment. When your doctor decides you are ready for discharge, you will receive comprehensive instructions, including follow-up with your doctor, medication management, and the possibility of receiving outpatient services if needed.  


Outpatient care is a service you receive that you don’t have to stay overnight. The benefits of receiving outpatient care are the flexibility and freedom of scheduling appointments, virtual options, and the ability to continue with daily life while receiving treatment. Some examples of services include:   

Support Through Seven Counties Services   

Inpatient and outpatient programs, although different from one another, provide effective treatment and ensure you receive the level of care you need. If you or a loved one are facing challenges with mental or behavioral health concerns, Seven Counties Services is here to help. We offer both inpatient and outpatient services for children and adults. Visit to request an appointment online or call (502) 589-1100.   


Reviewed by Kayti Michel LPCC-S, Unit Manager, at Seven Counties Services.  

Schedule Appointment

Seven Counties Services serves everyone regardless of diagnosis or insurance status. We ensure that getting started on your journey to recovery is as easy as possible. To schedule your first appointment, you can call directly or complete an online appointment request.

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Educating individuals, parents, caregivers, and the community through specialized content provided by industry-leading experts.